Chromium Bug? In Picture Scaling?

Today, I faced a problem with all Chromium derived browsers, like Google Chrome (83.0.4103.116), Opera (69.0.3686.49), Vivaldi (3.1.1929.45) - but not Firefox, not MS Edge.

The problem was like this: We produce a Interleave 2of 5 barcode and put it as an img to a html page. It worked for all browsers for years, but since the last few days, Chromium distorts the scaling of the picture in some subtile and wrong way. In stanrd 100% page scaling, the barcode is kind of blurred.

See this distorted image - the linear barcode could not be read anymore. We used some CSS to have it fit in its container:

and removing the CSS height restored the correct scaling ... funny enough that the CSS height restores a horizontal aspect ...

Just to let some readers know ...

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